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2011, 7

A. Akhtyamov, E. Salyakhova

Does the presence of a cavity in the rod always change the natural frequencies?

language: Russian

received 26.02.2011, published 21.04.2011

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The behavior of natural frequencies of a beam with a cavity (corrosion beam) and a continuous (defect-less) beam is studied in the paper. It is revealed that at certain position of a cavity in a beam, natural frequencies of flexural vibrations of a beam with a cavity coincide with the natural frequencies of vibrations of a continuous beam. Dependence of natural frequencies on values of the parameter characterizing position of a cavity is shown. It is proved that one spectrum of flexural vibrations is not enough for identification of a position and the sizes of a cavity. For cavity identification two spectra of flexural vibrations (around different axes) is suggested to use.

Keywords: beam, natural frequencies, diagnostics.

10 pages, 4 figures

Сitation: A. Akhtyamov, E. Salyakhova. Does the presence of a cavity in the rod always change the natural frequencies?. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2011, 7.


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Azamat Akhtyamov - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, leading researcher at Institute of Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Bashkiria, Ufa. Research interests: the theory of identification of boundary data, spectral theory of operators, mathematic methods in economics.

e-mail: AkhtyamovAM(at)


Elena Salyakhova - assistant сhair at Mathematics department, Ufa Aviation Technical State University (Neftekamsk branch). Research interests: spectral problems.

e-mail: shalunova_ev(at)