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2006, 16

V. N. Khmelev, R. V. Barsukov, S. N. Tsyganok, M. V. Khmelev

Adjustment of ultrasonic generators for technological processes in cavitating media

language: Russian

received 10.10.2006, published 18.10.2006

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Theoretical study for definition of limiting parameters of ultrasonic technological devices designed for processes in liquid media is presented. Model of cavitating technological medium in the form of single cavitating bubble is presented. Relationship between acoustic properties of cavitating liquid and parameters of primary ultrasonic field is defined. On the basis of theoretical model, the calculating technique for determination of limiting parameters of ultrasonic generators is suggested.

8 pages, 2 figures

Сitation: V. N. Khmelev, R. V. Barsukov, S. N. Tsyganok, M. V. Khmelev. Adjustment of ultrasonic generators for technological processes in cavitating media. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2006, 16.


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Khmelev Vladimir Nikolaevich - dean of information technologies and automation faculty at Biysk technological institute, professor, Ph.D (ultrasound). IEEE Senior Member. Honoured Inventor of Russia. Area of scientific interests is application of ultrasound for an intensification of technological processes

e-mail: vnh(at)


Tsyganok Sergey Nikolaevich - a head of acoustic processes and devices laboratory at Biysk technological institute, Ph.D (Machinery). Graduated Biysk technological institute in 1998 (informatics and measuring instruments). Area of scientific interests is development and designing of piezoelectric ultrasonic systems


Barsukov Roman Vladislavovich - a leading engineer of acoustic processes and devices laboratory at Biysk technological institute, Ph.D (Machinery). Graduated Biysk technological institute in 1998 (informatics and measuring instruments). Subject of scientific researches is sources of ultrasonic energy for an intensification of technological processes


Khmelev Maxim Vladimirovich - an engineer of acoustic processes and devices laboratory at Biysk technological institute. Graduated Biysk technological institute (informatics and measuring instruments) in 2005. Subjects of scientific researches is effect of forms and sizes of a radiating surface of ultrasonic oscillatory systems on efficiency of processes