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Distribution of Gaussian wave package with high frequency LFM filling in dissipative medium
language: Russian
received 11.09.2012, published 24.09.2012
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The problem of the propagation of a Gaussian plane wave packet with a high-frequency filling in the dissipative environment is considered. The filling is frequency-modulated in a linear fashion. The specific changes of the wave parameters are described. The quantitative assessment of the above-mentioned parameters are carried out for pulses of different duration and base. Evolutionary changes in the wave packet form are simulated. The paper shows possible approaches to the determination of the attenuation rate on the basis of measurement results in one point of space.
Keywords: wave packet, envelope, inter-pulse filling, attenuation rate, effective frequency, spectrum components, frequency modulation.
14 pages, 8 figures
Сitation: A. Gavrilov, A. Kursitys. Distribution of Gaussian wave package with high frequency LFM filling in dissipative medium. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2012, 4.
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Alexander Gavrilov - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, a head of physics department at Taganrog Institute of Technology - Southern Federal University (TIT SFU) e-mail: gavr_am(at) |
Andrey Kursitys - master’s degree student, Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University (TIT SFU). e-mail: kursitys(at) |