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2004, 14

Konstantin I. Matveev

Vortex-acoustic instability in chambers with mean flow and heat release

language: English

received 30.09.2004, published 18.10.2004

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Acoustic instability appearing in chambers with isothermal or reacting mean flow is an important engineering problem. The subject of this work is the instability that is coupled with vortex shedding and impingement, which can also be accompanied by heat release. A reduced-order theory is formulated that includes the chamber acoustics, vortex-structure interaction, and unsteady heat addition. Assuming that acoustic sources are localized in space and time, the kicked oscillator concept is applied. Model results are compared with experimental data. Possible applications for flow control are discussed.

15 pages, 8 figures

Сitation: Konstantin I. Matveev. Vortex-acoustic instability in chambers with mean flow and heat release. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2004, 14.


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Konstantin I. Matveev - Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from California Institute of Technology in 2003. Dr. Matveev will continue his research career at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Research interests include thermal and nonlinear acoustics.

e-mail: matveev(at)