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2005, 39

S. V. Shlychkov

Wave field of sounding board in dependence on geometrical and physical parameters

language: Russian

received 28.11.2005, published 22.12.2005

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The paper presents the computation technique and the results of numerical analysis of wave fields of sounding board. Vibrations of the structure are excited by normal harmonic force. Frequency range up to 1000 Hz is considered. The vibration field of structure in dependence on geometrical and physical-mechanical characteristics is studied. On the basis of the analysis it is stated that the anisotropy of physical-mechanical properties of the structure and complexity of geometrical form provide more uniform distribution of vibration energy in frequency range.

10 pages, 6 figures

Сitation: S. V. Shlychkov. Wave field of sounding board in dependence on geometrical and physical parameters. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2005, 39.


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Sergey Shlychkov received engineering degree from Moscow State Technical University (Bauman University), Mechanical Engineering department in 1993; Ph.D. degree in 2004 from the same University. He is currently associate professor at Mari State Technical University (Department of strength of materials and applied mechanics), member of the Russian Acoustical Society. Scientific interests: mechanics of composites, modeling of technical systems, musical acoustics.

e-mail: shlychkovsv(at)