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Speech development and scenario of its V-rhythms’ development
language: Russian
received 02.05.2004, published 14.06.2004
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Definition of acoustically measurable rhythm of speech (V-rhythm) as sequences of durations of the speech segments with presence of oscillations on frequency of the fundamental tone is introduced . It is proven theoretically and experimentally, what there is whole set or scenario (Feigenbaum scenario) of regular and irregular V-rhythms varying depending on control parameter. Also hypothesis is advanced that the dynamic aspect of verbal memory is featured by concrete part of the scenario of V-rhythms. This part is named as Pomeau-Manneville scenario.
11 pages, 1 figure
Сitation: O.P. Skljarov. Speech development and scenario of its V-rhythms’ development. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2004, 7.
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Oleg Skljarov received the BS degree in 1970, and the PhD degree in 1975 from Physical Faculty of the St.Petersburg State University (Russia). In 1975-1982, he worked at State Optical Institute as a scientific researcher. In 1982-1990 he was a chief of scientific sector in the Acoustical Department of the Telecommunication Company. Since 1990, he was been a Senior Scientific Researcher at Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose & Speech. In 2000 he received the Doctoral degree of Physical-and-Mathematical Sciences from St. Petersburg State University. His research interests included soft computing (neural networks and dynamical chaos); critical behaviour of speech rhythm in both theory and applied aspect (correction of the stuttering); and non-linear phenomena in both biology and acoustics of speech. |