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2022, 1

S. Voronkov

On the mechanism of decay of vortex tubes in the boundary layer

language: Russian

received 06.12.2021, published 02.02.2022

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Various mechanisms of decay of vortex tubes in the boundary layer of a viscous gas are considered. An improved formula for the pressure pulsation arising from the decay of vortex tubes is obtained. It is shown that during the natural transition, when a vortex tube with a pointed head breaks up, a smoother, gradual increase in pressure occurs. Equations are given that describe the complete cycle of turbulence in a viscous gas, which includes various stages.
Keywords: vortex tube, boundary layer, viscous gas, turbulence cycle.

10 pages, 6 figures

Сitation: S. Voronkov. On the mechanism of decay of vortex tubes in the boundary layer. Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, 2022, 1.


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Sergey S. Voronkov graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (Russia) in 1979, PhD. Presently he is docent at Pskov State University. Scientific area: hydrodynamics, nonlinear acoustics.

e-mail: voronkovss(at)